Institute for Neuro-Physiological Psychology (INPP®)
INPP® was founded in Chester in the United Kingdom. INPP® has pioneered research into Neuro-Developmental Delay (NDD). NDD describes the omission or arrest of a stage in early development. Every child is born with a set of primitive reflexes (sometimes known as “survival reflexes”), which should be inhibited or controlled by a higher part of the brain during the first year of life.

If these are not inhibited at the correct time they remain “active” in the body and can interfere with subsequent motor development, visual functioning, eye-hand coordination and perceptual skills. Frustration, hyperactivity and hypersensitivity can be additional symptoms, as the child struggles to perform daily tasks to his or her true potential.

All learning is connected is some way to the functioning of the motor (movement) system. Reading depends on having stable eye movements – this is a motor skill. Writing demands coordination between the hand and the eyes with the automatic support of the postural system (muscle tone). Catching a ball and coordination at P.E. requires both gross and fine muscle coordination skills and social interaction requires the ability to read the non-verbal as well as the verbal language of others and regulate your own reaction. Up to 90% of communication is based on the non-verbal aspects of language; children who have problems with posture and coordination often have difficulty with modulating their own body language to the needs of the environment affecting the ability to read and respond to social cues. Poor impulse control and inappropriate behaviour can be symptoms of this underlying neurological immaturity.

INPP® specifically addresses: Children with ADD/ ADHD, Dyslexia, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Dyspraxia, Sensory Integration Disorder and Anxiety and Panic Disorder can benefit from INPP® where it is determined that the child has a cluster of retained primitive reflexes.

How does INPP® work?
Based on the reflex profile of the patient, an individual programme is worked out. Parents are given detailed exercise sheets to carry out daily at home with their child. A maximum of two exercises are given at a time. The exercises are required to be done slowly and deliberately and should take no more than 10-15 minutes.

The child’s progress is reviewed every four weeks by the therapist at the practice. There is a detailed scoring process in place to monitor progress. The duration of the programme depends on the individual’s requirements and progress during the programme.

What is the process?
Firstly, parents are required to complete an online Child Screening Questionnaire for evaluation by the therapist. A scoring process is used to evaluate the suitability of the programme for the child. Thereafter a detailed history is taken during a Parental Consultation.

A three hour Diagnostic Assessment is then scheduled to fully evaluate the child and devise an individualised programme.

The following areas are assessed: The first exercises are then prescribed for the programme and a review date is set for four weeks later.

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